
Showing posts from August, 2020

Extrication Rules

Objective Our planet is dying. Global warming is out of control, and it is up to you to extricate the citizens of earth. As the few organisations with interstellar capabilities, you must coordinate launching the spacecraft at your disposal, carrying its precious cargo off-planet. Earn Prestige by saving Cohorts of Citizens, sufficient Organic material, and a range of Science advancements. Set Up Find the Development cards. Take the ‘Final Scramble’ card and place it face down. Shuffle the others and place them face down to form the Development draw pile. Take the Launch Pad cards and give 1 small and 1 large to each player. Find the Ship cards. Lay out the Action track by placing the 10 Small Ships in a row next to each other. Shuffle the remaining Ship cards and place them face down to form the Ship draw pile. Mix up the small Cargo tiles and place them in a face down pile to form the Cargo draw pile. Deal 1 Cargo to each location above the track. Place all orange Fuel cubes and green


 2-4 players, 30 minutes play time. Extrication is a worker placement and set collection game. Our planet is dying. Global warming is out of control, and it is up to you to extricate the citizens of earth. As the few organisations with interstellar capabilities, you must coordinate launching the spacecraft at your disposal, carrying its precious cargo off-planet. Your ability to save cohorts of people, sufficient organic material, and a range of technologies will be critical to your success. Extrication Rules

Hatching Dragons: Fire Stones

2-4 players, 25 minutes play time.  Hatching Dragons: Fire Stones is a new game based on the original mint tin edition. It is a worker placement game that offers strategic choices with a fun theme. With the rise in popularity of Dungeons and Dragons, the demand for new Dragons is at an all time high. You are Dragon Breeders, and must use your talents to hatch dragon eggs to supply Dungeon Masters with these amazing creatures. You will receive gold coins as reward for every Dragon you hatch, plus bonus coins for completing special orders.